Mall roof collapses in Minnesota due to heavy snowfall – Truth revealed

Mall roof collapses in Minnesota due to heavy snowfall | Image Credit:
Mall roof collapses in Minnesota due to heavy snowfall | Image Credit:

On March 14, the roof of an Applebee’s in a Duluth, Minnesota mall collapsed, allowing snow to flood the building.

The roof of The Miller Hill Mall in Duluth started to fall, and workers were ordered to leave right away. According to police, no injuries were initially reported, despite spectacular photos shot from within the mall.

A day after the city in northern Minnesota received more than a foot of snow, the roof of a mall in Duluth, Minnesota, fell on Tuesday. At around nine in the morning CDT, the Miller Hill Mall collapsed due to snowfall.

According to Northern News Now, a mall employee was ordered to leave right away because the roof was collapsing. Around nine in the morning CDT, authorities were dispatched to the area near Applebee’s within the shopping centre.

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The Duluth Minnesota Fire Department stated on Facebook on Tuesday morning, “The Miller Hill Mall has been evacuated, and the public is urged to remain away from the scene at this time.” The department also noted that no injuries had been reported as of yet.

All staff and patient appointments at the Miller Hill Essentia Health site were cancelled due to the evacuation. Although Essentia Health was not immediately affected by the fall of the mall’s roof, the facility was shuttered for the rest of Tuesday.

Between Sunday and Monday, Duluth received over 12.5 inches of snow, with about 7 of those inches falling on Monday. This is the city’s highest one-day total of snowfall since December 15.

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This March, Duluth has already received almost 23 inches of snow on record. This is the highest snowfall the city has seen in March since 2013, when 25.8 inches fell in total.

Data indicates that there may be an average of 37 inches of snow on the ground in the area, according to AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski. However, owing to previous drifting, deeper snow may be possible in some spots, even on top of some structures.


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